Chus Pato (Spain)

Born in Galicia in 1955. Author of eleven books of poems, published between 1991 and 2019, for which Chus Pato has received various awards. In November 2023, the new book Sonora will be published. In addition to recognition in the Anglo-Saxon circuit, books have been published in countries such as Argentina, the Netherlands, and Bulgaria. Poems have also been published in Catalan, Basque, Polish, classical Arabic, French, Romanian, Russian, German, and Slovenian. Chus Pato has participated in numerous festivals in America, Europe, and Africa. In Portuguese, Carne de Leviatã (Douda Correia, 2016) and the anthology Um fémur de voz corre a galope (Officium Lectionis, 2022) are published.
Photo credits: © Xoel Goméz