Hélia Correia (Portugal)

Imagem a preto e branco, mulher branca, a sorrir. Veste casaco com capuz preto.
© Graça Sarsfield

Born in Lisbon in 1949, she obtained a degree in Romance Philology and worked as a high school teacher. A poet, playwright, and author of children's books,  she made her mark as a fiction writer  in the 1980s. In poetry, she frequently contributes to anthologies and newspapers, and she published A Pequena Morte/Esse Eterno Canto (Black Sun, 1986) alongside Jaime Rocha, Apodera-te de Mim (Black Sun, 2002) and A Terceira Miséria (Relógio D’Água, 2012), which won both the PEN Club Poetry Prize and the Correntes d’Escritas Prize. Her most recent poetry collection is Acidentes (Relógio D’Água, 2020). Among the various awards she has received, the 2015 Camões Prize stands out.

Photo credits: © Graça Sarsfield