Halyna Kruk (Ukraine)

Em primeiro plano uma mulher branca, de frente, com olhos claros, cabelo castanho liso levemente ondeado, pelos ombros. Ao pescoço um lenço em tons de cinzento e azul; Veste um casaco ou camisa verde escuro. Em segundo plano um rio com arbustos.
© Halyna Kruk

A poet and prose writer, translator and academic, she was born in 1974 in Lviv, Ukraine. She has authored five volumes of poetry: An Adult Woman (2017), Co(an)existence (2013), The Face beyond the Photograph (2005), Footprints on Sand and Journeys in Search of a Home (1997). Additionally, she has penned a collection of short stories titled Anyone but me (2021), and has published four books for children. Her works have been translated into over 30 languages. Her most recent poetry book, A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails, was published in the United States by Arrowsmith Press and has recently been honoured with the Sundara Ramaswamy Prize. She lectures in European and Ukrainian Baroque literature at Ivan Franko National University in Lviv.

Photo credits:  © Halyna Kruk